Grief Goals and Dead Loved One’s Things
What do you do with objects that slowly lose their purpose other than to hold grief and the absurd belief the dead person may return and use them?

The (Non) Perks of Being an Introvert When Searching for Widow Support
Finding Grief and Widow Support Is Hard. You Don’t Always Know What You Need Because What You Need Is Always Changing.

The Girl with the Grief Ribbon
My grief feels like those terrible “waist trainer” girdles celebrity women wear. It wraps around you, hugging and tightening and squeezing your breath away, and you have no choice. It is also a terrible replacement for your person.

Death, Grief, Healthy Living(?), Repeat
During early grief, constants are so important, finding anything you enjoy, to focus your mind and get you out of bed feels miraculous.

Grief and the Four Burners Theory
I think of all the hours I wasted worrying about that stuff and how I could have let it go and just enjoyed my time with Daryl and let go of the anxiety.