Grief Whack-a-mole and Memoir Writing
Grief never feels the same twice and it sure as hell doesn’t send you a warning.

Unlucky in Death
It’s like there is a law of diminishing return when it comes to death and grieving —people can understand one tragedy, but two? That’s too many.

The Shape of Grief
Grief may warp your memories, but you can choose how you let it shape you after your person has died.

Grief Goals and Dead Loved One’s Things
What do you do with objects that slowly lose their purpose other than to hold grief and the absurd belief the dead person may return and use them?

What if we stopped letting THE HOLIDAYS dictate what life should look like? Grief is a bacchanal of emotions, but we treat it like a formal mass, as if we have some control when it comes for us. Truly letting it all out in the presence of our loved ones, that would be honoring grief during the holidays.